Thank You Robin Williams

Carpe Diem.

I know, I really don’t care. Seize the day. Over used and I still get chills running down my spine as I hear Robin’s voice reminding me to live my life.  This was a powerful moment for the class of the 90’s generation as we wiped away our tears in suburban movie theaters all over the country. As children, my sister and I would stand on brown, broken boxes (pretending that they were desks) vowing to never live an ordinary life with husbands, mortgages or bad Sunday dinners.   Fast forward twenty five years, I had a mortgage, made a bad pot roast and was still in my home town that I was born in.  I was watching my crackling four channel TV and  I saw this commercial and watched it over many times on my ipad. It made me want to sell my fake IKEA crap and purchase a one way ticket to Istanbul. Without a plan. But hell, I was at least living life right?